Lizard Chinchilla

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Power start

Being tragically late to spot a food trend is kind of my jam as a food writer but in my defense I like to make sure a bandwagon is road-worthy before I jump on. 

And even if it is soooo 2015, I do love avocado toast. 

Replacing toast is what I was aiming for when I made my breakfast grain bowl this morning. Grain bowls are the new avo toast, according to at least one source, and I happened to have some farro I prepared over the weekend in the fridge. The nutty grains have made it to a few salads already this week and, in what I assume is a foodie miracle, it seems I've barely put a dent in the bowl.

A couple of scrambled eggs -- small ones, from chickens who travel freely about a bucolic farm all day and who listen to easy jazz and culturally important podcasts in their coop at night -- with a sprinkling of goat cheese -- yogis, I assume -- and fresh organic chives over a half cup of farro and my power breakfast bowl is served.

According to My Fitness Pal, this dish is a tad high on sat-fat (from the eggs of the hipster chickens and my warrior-posed goat cheese) but also high in protein (14 grams) and low in carbs (just one.) I gleefully consumed about three-quarters of it before I was Thanksgiving-Day-dinner full. More than an hour later I am still blissfully satiated. 

Whether whole grains are good for digestion is apparently a controversial topic, but processed wheat is certainly not on anyone's hero food list. Farro scores well on many key nutrient metrics, and it happens to be easy to cook and totally delicious, so it's a trend I can hang with.

Nice view from the bandwagon.