Lizard Chinchilla

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Sky dive

Until June 29, I had a perfectly OK job. I worked with a great team, had great hours, and did perfectly OK work. I made perfectly OK money, even though money is not necessarily my main motivation.


And yet I quit my perfectly OK job.


I wrote a farewell email to my boss, whom I adore, explaining that this move was my symbolic sky dive, even though sky diving never made sense to me because why should I jump out of a perfectly OK plane? 


When my family moved to Columbus four years ago, I approached the change with so much enthusiasm. That positive energy, however, turned to panic when it felt like this city had little enthusiasm for me in return.


Finding the career I wanted, professional communications and public relations, turned out to be much more difficult than I thought. Despite hours spent typing online applications, writing cover letters and polishing my unconventional resume, I got no traction. No calls. No emails.  


For me, not working was uncomfortable. Unemployment became so uncomfortable that I settled for a part-time clerical job and then I later moved to a full-time job, still clerical.


They were jobs. They were not career moves that used or developed my skills and there was no potential to grow. 


So if money is not the motivator and there is no chance of advancement or personal growth, then what was I doing?

To be honest, my career clock is ticking; I am, alas, not getting any younger.


To continue the metaphor, I asked myself why I was sitting in a perfectly OK plane, cruising along, watching the view out of that wide open door from the safety of a seat deep inside the fuselage, while I watch others take their leaps?


At some point, I had to trust that my experience and education equaled a properly packed parachute. And I could not scoot timidly to the edge and over-think it. This needed to be a decisive move.


I had to jump because I had to trust that the fall would be worth it. As scary as it is, I will get a new perspective in this blue-sky tumble. I will find what I am looking for.


Starting this blog is the first step in polishing my rusty writing skills. It might even be my new career. I have a passion for food, for travel and for getting my family and myself to a place of wellness. Sharing that in this vibrant city might be the target.


Or perhaps I will land somewhere else entirely.

I don't know at this point because right now? My eyes are open and I am just enjoying the view.  And that is perfectly OK.


Anything is possible. 

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